Pipe system
Pipe system is mainly dedicated to COMPRESSED AIR distibution up to a maximum pressure of 13 bar. The wide range of products allows do develop plants starting from compressor, through the treatment units, through the distribution ring, up to the peripherical connections. A set of special components allows quick and effective solutions to settle all the specific installation problems related to commpressed air. There are two way to design a main line: through a single way pipeline (the line start from the compressor following all the connections up to the farest one) or through a closed ring (the line start and go back to the compressor). The ring is usually the advisable solution because of a more equilibrate delivery and because it makes possible, with valves, to cut parts af the plant in order to set, modify, or enlarge the pipeline without complete stop of the air delivery in the firm. The volume of the ringline forms an air-storage, helping to keep the pressure value constant, especially during strong and sudden air requests.